Your very own copywriter to hand.
Simply make your purchase on the next page, email your content to me and I'll annotate with suggestions, questions and ideas.

We've all been there. Trying to write content for a new service, batch creating a bunch of social media posts, updating your website content... Getting frustrated, wondering whether it hits the mark or falls flat.

Let's sort that out. Think of me as your content tutor with a red pen.

Send your content to me and I'll help you get an "A" for your business content:

Clear messaging | All info is covered | Ensure it's engaging | Ideas to improve structure | Ways to capture more attention | De-ChatBot / humanise your content (!) | And much more...

*​ Up to 5x A4 pages worth of content. It could be pages from your website, social media captions, a blog post or two - whatever you need help with

+ Need more than 5 pages? You can add more at the checkout